The album work for the album titled 'Paramore' includes Hayley Williams, Taylor York and Jeremy Davies covered in neon paint. We immediately know that Hayley is the lead singer because she stands out the most due to the colour of her hair and blue denim jacket whereas taylor and Jeremy are wearing black and blend into the black background. The use of neon paint blacks up the stereotype. The use of neon paint backs up the stereotype of a messy rock star's life style.
The album work for the album 'Brand New Eyes' is quite interesting because the main image is the butterfly which has its wings seperated from the body. There is something quite cryptic about it but I'm not sure. It could have some relevence to the music from the album. The songs I like from the album include 'Ignorance', 'Brick By Boring Brick', 'Careful', 'The Only Exception' and 'Playing God'. Alternatively, it could have some links to the band around the time the album was produced.
The album work for the album 'Riot!' is quite artistic because the cover is covered in the word 'RIOT!' in a sort of graffiti style. I think this is appropriate because a riot is illegally disturbing the peace in an area with acts of crime such as violence and vandalism and graffiti is often seen as crime when not done in a designated area for graffiti, so it brings a sense of rebellion which reflects the persona of a rock star.
The album 'Nightmare' is named after the song, of the same name, the features in the album.
The artwork for the album is quite gothic and dark which reflects their genre of heavy metal and suits the name 'Nightmare'.
The image takes place at night. There is a child clinging to their teddy in a bed with bed posts made of what looks like bones, surrounded by bushes with dead leaves, a gravestone behind and a figure looking over the child which could represent the Grim Reaper/Angel Of Death.
This album is also quite artistic because it looks as though it has been painted.
As something extra, I could design some album covers for the band that features on my front cover.
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