Here are some fonts I liked on which I thought would suit my magazine genre. At the moment I've not yet decided which one I want but I'm going to insert them all into my magazine file on Photoshop and upload the magazine front cover with the different masthead fonts but, I'm going to hide the other mastheads when I'm not using them. It just makes it easier to change the mastheads.

I like this font because it's very Gothic-looking which ties in with the sub-genre of goth-rock.
I like this font because it looks very rough and is like graffiti which ties in with the stereotype of a messy rock star's lifestyle but if I need to change the colour, it would be very difficult to get into the nuts and crannies, in Photoshop, you need to use the paint bucket tool. So I might not use it but it looks really cool.
I like this font because it looks very simple.
I like this font because it's very futuristic and from my research, I know that people who listen to rock music enjoy video games and watching movies so this Batman style font could be pretty good.
I like this font because it looks quite Gothic and rough but again, it would be very difficult to change the colour if I needed to due to all the nuts and crannies.
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