Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Audience Survey

I used www.surveymonkey.com to generate and carry out this survey as it is more efficient, less time consuming and overall, easy to use. 
 From the results of my first question, I know that the gender who mostly answered this questionnaire are males but by only three, so you could say it's quite mixed. This also gives me an idea of who to aim the magazine at. So I should aim the magazine at both males and females.

From this question, I know that most of the people who answered the questionnaire are either full-time students and/or work part-time. This enables me to come up with an idea of the price for my magazine. So I need to give a reasonable price for part-time workers and full-time students (who may earn pocket money from their parents but not a lot).
 From the responses, I know that half of the people read music magazines and so I need to make my music magazine more enticing so that more people would read it.
 From the results, I know that the majority chose 'rock' as a genre that they like. This is good because I intend to make a rock magazine.

 For this question I then went to sub-genres of rock and at first I wanted to make an alternative rock magazine but judging from the results, I should make a rock magazine the covers many genres as the scores are very mixed between: indie, alternative, heavy metal, punk rock, pop rock and screamo.

 From the responses from this question, I can see many different bands of different sub-genres and styles so the fictional bands that feature on my magazine whether it be the main feature or feature story could have different styles of rock fashion and maybe I could uses the styles of these bands as inspiration for the style of my fictional bands.
 From these results, I can see that most of the answers are mixed so this allows me to understand what readers like about music magazines so I can include them within my music magazine to entice the reader.
 From the results of this question, I can see that many of the people who answered the question, answered honestly and were quite reasonable. Two people seem quite generous to be willing to pay more than £4.00 but the answer that received the highest score was '2.01-3.00'.
From the results of this question, I can see that mostly people would prefer getting the magazine at a discounted price and closely followed by wanting more free gifts and getting both a printed and digital copy. From this it gives me an idea of what to include for example on the contents page, I might show details of subscribing to the magazine and how they will get either more free gifts, the magazine at a discounted price or getting a printed copy and digital copy, alternatively they could maybe choose two of the offers.
Due to the fact that lots of people use smartphones and tablets etc. I thought it would be a good idea to create an app for the magazine and on there they can get a digital copy of the magazine (obviously I won't actually do it). From the results of this question I can see that mostly people would like it if the magazine was distributed digitally on an app and printed. This might because there are different advantages for having a digital copy and a printed copy. With a digital copy they can't be damaged easily unless they experience glitches from either the phone or the app but that doesn't happen often, whereas a printed magazine is more exposed so can be damaged easily but having a digital copy makes it hard to lend to people so for example if you finish reading the printed magazine and your sibling wants to read it you could easily hand it over, and you cant really share a magazine digitally unless you hand over your device to your sibling but the read might be quite long so you might not want to leave your device for a long amount of time.

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